Are LED grow lights dangerous for humans?

First of all, LED lights are much more directional, emitting powerful light in a narrow beam, unlike traditional light bulbs that disperse light in all directions with less intensity. This means that while looking directly at a traditional light bulb might not harm your eyes, doing the same with an LED can damage your retina due to its intense, focused light. Therefore, it's crucial never to look directly into any LED, especially grow lights, which are much more powerful than regular indoor or street lights. It's recommended to dim the lights when working around them or wear specialized glasses that filter out harmful rays, reducing eye strain and protecting your vision.

Additionally, specialized UVB lights, although they appear as a subtle purple light, can be deceptive and dangerous. UVB light can quickly sunburn the skin and damage the eyes if looked at directly. It is advised not to work under UVB lights while they are on. These lights should only be used when no one is in the room, and turned off when performing tasks in the grow area to avoid exposure to harmful UVB rays.